Take Care

3 Lessons on Wellness You Don’t Have to Learn the Hard Way |

I will be the first to admit that my physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual wellness have been tested greatly over the past two years. I’m sure many others can relate, too. Wellness, defined generally as ‘the state of being in good health’, is not a term I’m unfamiliar with. In fact, even these lessons I’m sharing are not new, per se. I’ve heard them (in various ways) before, but I actually learned them last year–the hard way, unfortunately. Here’s to hoping that in this new year, you don’t have to.  

  • Wellness takes time. One day of self care isn’t always going to cut it. Wellness is a journey, not a destination. It takes time to figure out what’s good for you, and phase out the things that aren’t. Putting too much pressure on yourself to get ‘well’ instantaneously can leave you feeling burnt out and discouraged. Achieving wellness is a long-term and continuous investment into curating a lifestyle that facilitates your peace and joy. Without the proper investment, it’s all just a bandaid. 

Achieving wellness is a long-term and continuous investment into curating a lifestyle that facilitates your peace and joy.

  • Wellness is dynamic. What works on one day or in one season of your life may not work for another. I am a creature of habit, and highly resistant to change. But I’ve learned what you’re used to may not always be what you need. Some days, you may need to write. Other days, writing may not work. So don’t force it. You may need to cry. Take a walk. Get a massage. Have a difficult conversation. Quit something. Whatever it is, just because it’s unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or unusual doesn’t mean it isn’t good for you. You’re not a failure for breaking routine. 
  • Wellness is not a privilege. Don’t feel guilty for craving or seeking wellness. It’s not a luxury, reserved for special occasions, or special people. You are worthy of wellness. You don’t need to ‘earn’ your peace, joy, or rest (regardless of the fact that society constantly makes us feel otherwise but that’s a story for another day lol). You deserve to smile, to relax, to “jaiye” aka enjoy life (as some of my fellow Nigerians would say). You may need to be intentional. You may need a new perspective. But always remember that wellness is the result, not the reward.

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